Freitag, 30. Januar 2009

It´s time for a blogchallange...

Hey Girls...

It´s time for a Blogchallange

You can win:

1. prize:
8 Euro Coupon for my Shop

2. prize:
Guest Spot on Katrins Design

3. prize:
"Cherish Moments" the full kit

The conditions:

- make a page with this Freebie, you can use Wordarts and another things from another Designer

only 5 %

-> 95% on your page from this freebie and 5% from another Designer, if you want.

Upload your page on DST
and leave a comment under this post with your
e-mail address
and the link to your
DST Gallerie

- MY CREDITS ARE: "Cherish Moments - Blogchallange Freebie" Created by Katrins Design @

***Sorry, but you are to late ;) the Blogchallange is closed now!***

The challange ends 7. Februar

This commercial and private use elements are heartbrushes in high quality
All grafics are with 300 dpi. All grafics are without shadow. The product included 27 heartbrushes.

You can get this beautiful Heartbrushes here: isyndra and friends ; scrapladies and at digiscrapboutique

"Pearls" - new stuff CU and personal use

This commercial and private use elements are glaspearls in high quality. It´s inclueded 12 glaspearls in different colors,
one glaspearl is recolored and 3 rings in different colors, so you can create your own glaspearls.

You can get this beautiful Pearls here: isyndra and friends ; scrapladies and at digiscrapboutique

"Roseleaves" - Commercial and private use

Use this romantic and velvety roseleaves to create your own kits or to style your Layouts.
This commercial and private use bundel of roseleaves are in high quality all elements are in 300 dpi


You can get this beautiful Roseleaves here: isyndra and friends ; scrapladies and at digiscrapboutique

One kit call - NatashaNaSt Design

I love this kit and it makes so fun ;)

here are my Layouts with it:

credits: credits:
Kit "Explosion of Fun" designed by NatashaNAST Designs @ and

"Alpha Smartie" by Katrins Design @

CT Mycrevette :)

I´m so happy! I´m creativ for Mycrevette,...

I have choice for this kit:

now this are my page with this kit:

credits: Kit "Just you" by Mycrevette @

Guest CT Spot @ elodie0212

Elodie have ask my, if I want creativ for her desing. Now I was on guest spot at her. ;)

This kit I have choice for

and this Page I have made... ;)

credits: "Crazy Child" by Elodie0212

Wordart: (changed color) designed by Katrins Design @ ; and

Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2009

I have a huge Sale!!!!! All old Kits for 1 Euro!!!

It´s a new year and time to put all the old kits out of my Shops!!!

Girls this is your last chance!

One week, I will sell all my old kits for only 1 Euro!

Have a nice week,

best wishes Katrin

@ ; and

Montag, 5. Januar 2009

My latest Kit "Cherish Moments"

Ich hoffe ihr hattet alle schöne Weihnachten und seid gut und vorallem gesund ins neue Jahr gekommen.
Bei uns war die Weihnachts- und Feiertagszeit sehr anstrengend!
Doch nebenbei habe ich doch noch Zeit gefunden ein neues Kit zu erstellen.
Ich hoffe das es euch gefällt,.... ich kann euch nur soviel dazu sagen,.... uns macht es sehr viel Spaß damit zu arbeiten.
Es heißt "Cherish Moments" hat 117 elemente, 19 Paper und ein komplettes Glasalpha

es ist ab sofort in den Shops,
natürlich überall im Newcomersale (ab 3,23 Euro)

aber jetzt schaut es euch einfach mal an...


I hope you have had nice Christmas and have well come to the new year. With us the yule tide and holidays was very strenuous! However, besides, I have found time to provide new Kit. I hope you like it! I can say you only so much in addition... to us makes it to a lot of fun to work with it.
It calls "Cherish of moment" has 117 elemente, 19 Paper and a complete glass alpha
it is from now on in the shops, of course everywhere in the newcomer sale (from 3.23 euros), however,
now looks at it....

credits: "Cherish Moments" designed by Katrins Design @ digiscrapboutique ; isyndra and friends and scrapladies

Layouts with my new Kit "Cherish Moments"

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